Bluesfest welcomes patrons with a disability and aims to improve the site and the Bluesfest experience each year. The event is held on the Byron Events Farm (formerly Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm) where the terrain is flat grass and gravel.
Please be aware that during busy periods and when it rains, pathways can become tricky to negotiate for people who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids. We suggest bringing a wheelchair with large wheels.
Please read the following information carefully. If your questions have not been answered our contact details can be found at the end of this document.
Bluesfest offers parking services for all of our day visitors including people with a disability. All parking is on grass with a gravel approach.
Disabled Parking located close to both North and South Festival entries– just follow the Disability Parking signs once you enter the festival or ask one of our friendly car park assistants. Disability Parking Permit required.
Cars with disability parking permits also require a parking ticket. Book yours in advance here.
Fixed seating for general public use is provided at the back of the Crossroads and Mojo Tents for those who cannot stand for long periods of time.
Flicker, laser, strobe and other lighting effects may be in use at the festival site.
First Aid, located next to the CD Tent, provides medics equipped to provide first aid, minor injury care and resuscitation during festival hours. There will be an emergency contact number on your festival wristband. Please do not call 000.
A Celebration of Blues
& Roots Music & beyond
LOT 103/105 Pacific Hwy
Tyagarah - NSW 2481
ABN 74 675 011 168